Aura Workforce Analytics
Frequently Asked Questions

Where does Aura get the data?


We assimilate and normalize data from a range of public and proprietary sources to develop a complete picture of the workforce. This includes (i) public records available from federal, state, local, or foreign governments; open datasets with open data licenses; and information made manifestly public by the consumer or from widely distributed media.  (ii) online professional profiles, giving us a comprehensive history of an individual including their work history, educational background and skills (iii) job advertisements, detailing the date posted, job description, and skills required (iv) notifications of staff reductions, derived from official public submissions and layoff tracking systems.

How many companies does Aura cover?


Our data covers more than 20 million companies which includes public and private companies worldwide when taking into account of subsidiaries and holding companies     

How often the data is updated?


We have some data which are updated daily and weekly such as job postings data, sentiment data, hiring and exits data. Other data is aggregated level are updated monthly.

How does Aura deliver the data?


We deliver data in two ways: (i) Our self-serve platform, where you can access dynamic dashboards (ii) Data feed via snowflake share

What type of clients does Aura work with?


Our customers and use cases vary considerably. Our biggest customer segments include Hedge funds, Private equity firms, Management consulting firms, financial services, HR organizations, Staffing firms etc.   

In what cases Aura’s workforce headcount differ from a company’s reported counts?


Aura’s headcounts differ from a company’s reported counts in some industries and companies having limited online presence of employee profiles, blue collar workforce for e.g., Manufacturing, Mining, O&G, etc. Anecdotally, we would expect largest discrepancies at companies where there is a high population of employees who are part-time, hold roles at other companies, or are freelance/gig workers.

How does Aura compensate for profiles not having online profiles?


Aura tries to be as close as possible to public source of data. We don't apply a 'black-box' approach to estimate and compensate for profiles without online presence (we believe that this approach can yield worse estimates).

Typically, Aura’s data has the best coverage in English-speaking regions (US, Western Europe, India, etc.) Finance, Technology, and service focused industries and central functions / white-collar roles.

While coverage in other areas may be lower/not fully comprehensive, it is certainly still usable and relevant to get a good sense of the company – we’ve seen clients in the past using Aura’s functional breakdown as directional guidance and scale up using other publicly available information.

How does Aura consider lags in reporting online profiles?


We don't consider lags in reporting by online profiles. You can consider this as a fundamental data source limitation.

Our data is derived from exact counts of our individual employee profiles which are built from cross-referencing multiple data sources. Our compliant process leads to a higher degree of confidence in many cases, but there are outliers where individual employee profile coverage is either outdated, missing certain employees, or inaccurately including additional employees. It is a top and constant priority to continue to improve our data freshness, coverage, and entity resolution accuracy.

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